Georgia O’Keeffe and the Politics of Seeing
When Jesse’s girlfriend brought him to the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in season three of “Breaking Bad,” he was confounded why anyone would paint a door over and over again. Kinda psycho, he thought.
When Jesse’s girlfriend brought him to the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in season three of “Breaking Bad,” he was confounded why anyone would paint a door over and over again. Kinda psycho, he thought.
Georgia O’Keeffe never piled on the paint. She worked wet-into-dry, pretty much a single layer of paint requiring serious control to choreograph her textural effects. Within this narrow range that she chose to work, her variations are virtuosic.
In case you missed my zoom talk, it's now available online! It's my first reading from the work-in-progress: Digging for…
After years of researching and writing, I am giving my first public talk from my book manuscript, "Digging for Stars:…
I had the experience, once, of viewing an O’Keeffe exhibit that made me question what I had ever admired in…
"Starlight Night" (1917) featured on Georgia O'Keeffe's Christmas card in 1963. Georgia O'Keeffe was not religious in the institutional sense,…
"White Flower," 1932. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller gave this Georgia O'Keeffe painting to the College of William & Mary to mark…
When last we met I told the story of how Hillary Clinton brought Georgia O'Keeffe's “Mountain at Bear Lake —…