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But wait, there’s more about “Bear Lake”
The Obama’s holiday card in 2011 featured Georgia O’Keeffe’s “Mountain at Bear Lake — Taos” (1930) over the mantelpiece.

Thanks to Georgia O’Keeffe researcher Joe Chase, who lives in Sun Prairie, Wis., where the artist was born, for sending along another image of “Mountain at Bear Lake — Taos” (1930) at the White House! He’s a leader at the Sun Prairie Historical Library & Museum, and generous with his knowledge. Apparently, Republicans were upset that this image, the Obama’s 2011 holiday card, was not religious enough. Sigh.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Obama was President, he can pick whatever card he wants to send for Xmess. Remember we have separation of church and state and not everyone is a Christian and not everyone celebrates Xmess.

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